Welcome To North West Parks Board


A state-owned entity that reports to the Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT). Established in terms of the North West Parks Board Act no 3 of 2015, which gives effect to its responsibility to maintain, manage, conserve and preserve the biodiversity in the North West Province.

NWPB Nature Reserve DL SIZE Flyer

Nature Reserves Flyer


North West Parks Board Auctions

employement rights during covid-19

Madikwe & Pilanesberg Flyer


media release



nwpb- tender

service delivery environment

The North West Parks Board’s responsibility is limited to the management of 15 protected areas in the Province and excluded the management of recreational parks, dams and facilities outside protected areas but allows facilitation and support to institutions. The Parks cover a total surface area of approximately 206 000 ha. Recently some 4500ha of community land were incorporated into the bigger Madikwe Game Reserve. The Parks are located all over the Province, in all of the four different district municipalities. Pilanesberg and Madikwe are probably the most well-known parks, but included in the parks estate are also Molopo Nature Reserve in the southwest of the province, Kgaswane and Borakalalo in the north eastern parts of the Province, and Barberspan Bird Sanctuary in the central parts of the province.

The Parks are also located across a distinct rainfall gradient, with the average rainfall figures of parks in the northeast measuring approximately 630mm, and Molopo in the southwest at 350mm. The Parks are also located in two vegetation biomes; the savanna biome in the northern and western parts of the Province, and the endangered grassland biome in the east and southern parts of the Province.

North West Parks Board Executive


Chief Executive Officer

- Ms. T.M.M. Matshego

Acting Executive Officer: Corporate Support Services

- Mr. L.M.V. Magodielo

Acting General Manager Biodiversity Conservation Management Division

- Mr. H.P. Nel

General Manager Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance

- Mr. W. Molokele

Chief Financial Officer

- Mr. S. Dlamini

Acting Senior Manager Marketing & Communications

- Ms. O.B.D. Rangaka